
FaceTime with Megan - Albumen pinhole

FaceTime with Megan - Albumen pinhole

 Facetime with Megan during the April 2020 lockdown Cyanotype on albumen print of a pinhole FaceTime portrait. Handmade paper of Pascal Jeanjean. Photo Olivier Guyaux

FaceTime with Megan - Albumen pinhole

 Facetime with Megan during the April 2020 lockdown Cyanotype on albumen print of a pinhole FaceTime portrait. Handmade paper of Pascal Jeanjean. Photo Olivier Guyaux  Exhibition Full Frame Tintype

Black Lives Matter

The tintype presented here is particularly remarkable because it is a 21.4 x 16 cm format, which is very rare. This indicates that there was a desire for high quality and...

Black Lives Matter

The tintype presented here is particularly remarkable because it is a 21.4 x 16 cm format, which is very rare. This indicates that there was a desire for high quality and...